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What Are the Key Elements of Addiction Recovery?

Written by Brandon Okey. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

Every person combatting an addiction can tell you about the key elements of addiction recovery. It’s something that’s ingrained in them.  When a person struggling with addiction turns to a professional treatment center, they receive the personalized help they need for their condition. For many people, though, the journey to sobriety doesn’t end there. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to overcome an addiction without a support system. After all, it takes a village to win against addiction.  It’s okay to continue to struggle after you return home from rehab. Continue reading to learn more about recovery so that you can have the smoothest journey possible. 

1. A Sense of Self-Direction

All recovery journeys start the same way: a person comes to the decision that they need help and makes a commitment to themselves to get better. No one else can give you the drive to recover; the dedication to make the changes that are necessary can’t be given to you by anyone else. Self-direction is an absolute must. This means that you’re in charge of finding what works best for you based on your personal needs and situation. Ultimately, it’s all about focusing on your inner authority and having the willpower to take responsibility for your actions. 

2. An Emphasis on a Holistic Lifestyle

While many treatment centers focus strictly on achieving sobriety, at Ardu Recovery Center, we know that this is only a short-term solution. Treatment plans that only address the addiction itself without focusing on the root causes won’t you become and stay sober. The best types of treatment are holistic and consider every aspect of your life, such as:
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Housing needs
  • Socialization
  • Strengthening family ties
  • Community involvement
As we mentioned above, establishing a support system is one of the key elements of addiction recovery. This is a non-negotiable aspect of living a holistic life

3. Treatment Must Be Person-Centered

As you probably already know, treatment isn’t one-size-fits-all, especially because the substance you’re addicted to will be different from someone else’s. At Ardu, our treatment options focus on a patient’s personal strengths, cultural and social frameworks, needs, and experiences. Everything that’s a part of your recovery plan should take into account your personal needs and preferences.  Keep the following questions in mind:
  • What needs of yours should be taken into account? For instance, are you a survivor of trauma? Do your cultural or religious needs to be considered?
  • What challenges and barriers must be addressed because of your special circumstances?

4. The Best Type of Recovery is Strengths-Based

The best recovery plans are strengths-based. Not only should your recovery plan help you stop using substances, but it should also increase your resilience so that you can take on life’s uncertainties. At Ardu, we’ll teach you how to develop appropriate coping mechanisms and enhance your mental and emotional capacities. 

5. Being Responsible

Recovery is primarily an inside job that only you can control. You’ll have to monitor and manage your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in ways that meet your recovery goals. It’s essential to remember that you won’t recover overnight and that it’s typically a lengthy process that can take months. Self-direction is the primary component in starting and maintaining a lifestyle that’s conducive to recovery; however, self-responsibility is the core mindset that sustains it. 

6. Making Sure You’re Feeling Empowered

Recovery should never get in the way of your personal empowerment. If you feel like your self-esteem is plummeting at a program, this is a major red flag. For example, if you start a rehab program that requires you to live in a closed environment, you should still be able to retain your personal empowerment. What we mean by this is that the professionals you’re working closely with should help you in all aspects of your recovery planning and implementation. 

7. Remembering That Recovery Is Non-Linear

As you know by now, recovery isn’t a straightforward step-by-step process. There’s no guide that will help cure you because your needs and journey are unique. The typical recovery journey looks like this: there are starts, stops, and occasional setbacks. Never feel discouraged if you find yourself going off track, as this is only normal. We guarantee that most people recovering from addiction go through the same thing. All we ask is for you to readjust your strategy and act immediately to rebalance yoursel

8. Evaluating Where You Stand with Others

Many people who are on their journey to recovery must gain or re-gain the respect of others. Gaining the acceptance of family, friends, peers, and the community as a whole can help a recovering person re-establish their self-acceptance and belief in themselves. On the other end of the spectrum, stigmatizing or discriminating a recovering addict will do the opposite because it undermines the person’s self-respect and capabilities. 

9. Having a Support System Who Cares

Here it is: one of the key elements of addiction recovery is having a support system. Not just any support system; it needs to be one that truly cares about you and wants what’s best for you. Beware of support networks who claim to care, only to enable the habits you’re trying to get away from. Having the right peer support will be a valuable asset because these confidants will hold you accountable. Your support group can consist of family, friends, coworkers, and people from your treatment center. Often, turning to your peers from rehab is one of the best moves you can take because they’ll be able to relate to you best. Ultimately, everyone in your support group should provide judgment-free support and understanding. They should let you know when you’re on the right path and encourage healthy behaviors. 

Ardu Recovery Center Cares

Now that we’ve gone over the key elements of recovery, we want to let you know that we’re here for you. Whether it’s your first time turning to a treatment center or you’re hoping to receive help again, you can trust Ardu Recovery Center. We’ve helped people of all backgrounds reclaim their lives and can help you form the best support system that will stick with you—even after rehab. We’re more than happy to answer all your questions! Get in touch with us today. We’re located in scenic Provo, Utah. 
Brandon Okey

Brandon Okey is the co-founder of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.