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Crack Detox Center in Utah

Crack Detox Center in Utah

“I went to Ardu only for detox (my first treatment ever) they made it incredibly comfortable for me. The nurses were awesome! They made it so comfortable for me going through something I felt very nervous about with it being my first time. Staff was welcoming to me to join groups but not pushy as I was detoxing.”

David Cline

What Is a Crack Detox?

Crack is a concentrated, rock form of cocaine that can be smoked. By heating powdered cocaine and mixing it with baking soda, dealers convert the powdered form of the drug into rock pieces, or “crack rocks.”

This transforms cocaine into a highly addictive substance that produces faster, more intense effects when smoked. Crack is a more concentrated form of cocaine and delivers large amounts of the compound quickly to the brain, which contributes to its addictive properties.

A crack detox medically supervises the process of stopping crack cocaine use and allows the body to eliminate the drug while managing withdrawal symptoms.

Detoxing in a professional treatment setting provides the care needed to safely and comfortably withdraw from this potent and addictive form of cocaine. If you want to detox and leave crack cocaine behind, contact our rehab center now. We’re happy to help.

Common Symptoms of Crack Cocaine Addiction

The majority of individuals (68 percent in 2013) who seek treatment for cocaine use smoke crack and are likely to be polydrug users, meaning they use more than one substance. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

Crack is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant. Addiction can happen quickly due to the intense highs crack provides. Recognizing the common symptoms of crack cocaine addiction is crucial to promptly identifying dependency and seeking treatment.

The symptoms of crack addiction can be divided into physical and psychological effects. Physical symptoms tend to appear rapidly after use. Short-term effects such as euphoria and anxiety relief also emerge quickly, while other psychological symptoms progress with prolonged use.

Physical symptoms of crack addiction are:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Higher body temperature
  • Nausea and abdominal pain
  • Muscle twitches and tremors

Psychological symptoms of crack use are:

  • Euphoria upon crack use
  • Strong cravings for crack
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Aggressive or erratic behavior
  • Depression during withdrawal

These physical and mental symptoms intensify with repeated use, as addiction develops over prolonged periods of time. While crack produces an initial rush, the aftereffects include a crash that leads to more cravings.

It’s integral to recognize the signs of crack addiction early and get prompt treatment to avoid the long-term effects of prolonged crack use. Professional help can end the dependency on this dangerous drug.

Adverse Effects of Crack Abuse

Conclusive evidence and meta-analyses showed positive associations between crack-cocaine use and blood/sexually transmitted diseases (HIV and hepatitis C virus, others); moderate evidence and meta-analyses supported associations with neonatal health, and violence. (Butler, et al.)

The prolonged use of crack can have severe adverse effects on both physical and mental health. When crack cocaine users and their loved ones understand the long-term negative effects of crack cocaine use disorder, they are more likely to seek treatment for crack addiction before these symptoms turn into long-term ailments.

Long-term use of crack can lead to the following negative physical effects:

  • Heart attacks, strokes, and seizures due to increased strain on the blood vessels
  • Respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, lung infections, breathing issues, and pulmonary damage from smoking crack
  • Liver or kidney disease resulting from exposure to harmful substances
  • Increased risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis from risky practices
  • Dental issues like tooth decay from exposure to addictive substances
  • Malnourishment and weight loss from appetite suppression
  • Risk of overdose, which can result in brain damage, coma, or even death

The mental health consequences of long-term crack abuse include:

  • Clinical depression during withdrawal periods
  • Anxiety disorders and paranoia
  • Cognitive impairment like memory issues and trouble concentrating
  • Psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusions
  • Increased impulsivity and aggression

The adverse physical and mental effects underscore the importance of getting help to overcome addiction. Without medical intervention, these issues tend to worsen over prolonged periods of crack use. Treatment at a crack rehab center can help mitigate these risks and negative consequences. 

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Stopping crack cocaine use can lead to an array of uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. Here are the common physical and psychological symptoms you should understand as you seek treatment and navigate the withdrawal process.

Common physical withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, and nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Slowed movement and thinking
  • Muscle and bone aches
  • Insomnia

Psychological crack withdrawal symptoms involve:

  • Severe depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Irritability
  • Intense cravings for crack

These symptoms peak in the first week and improve over an extended period of time. However, some may continue experiencing psychological symptoms and intermittent cravings further into the withdrawal timeline.

Crack Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline

The crack withdrawal process generally follows three phases:

  1. Crash phase
  2. Acute withdrawal phase
  3. Extinction phase

Crash Phase (1-3 days):

Initial severe symptoms of crack withdrawal, such as extreme cravings, depression, fatigue, and anxiety, occur in this phase as the drug leaves the body.

Acute Withdrawal Phase(1-10 weeks):

This phase involves peak physical and psychological symptoms. Mood swings, insomnia, and psychological and physical cravings persist.

Extinction Phase (10 weeks +):

As acute symptoms improve, post-acute withdrawal symptoms like feelings of depression or suicidal ideation may remain. Ongoing treatment helps manage residual issues and reduces the risk of relapse.

Professional help improves the chances of completing withdrawal safely. Medical and psychological support can alleviate discomfort, treat any medical complications, and decrease the risk of suicide or relapse during the crack cocaine detox process. Contact us if you want to start your recovery process today.

Why Get Help from a Crack Detox Center?

Attempting to detox from crack cocaine at home can be dangerous and uncomfortable. Help from a professional crack detox center greatly improves your chances of withdrawing safely and starting recovery.

At our medical detox centers, you receive 24/7 medical guidance and monitoring during the crack detox process. This supervised environment helps manage uncomfortable crack detox symptoms, treat potential medical complications, and prevent relapse.

With counseling and effective treatments, detox centers provide the healthiest environment and strong foundation for your journey of recovery.

How Detox Gets You off Crack Cocaine

Our crack detox program uses a combination of proven medical and holistic approaches tailored to your needs. Detox needs differ from person to person, so we work with you to find the approach to recovery that works best for you, whether that be medical detox, holistic detox, or a combination of both.

Our experienced medical staff administers medications to ease withdrawal symptoms, monitors vitals, and cares for any medical issues. Simultaneously, our holistic therapies like nutritional therapy and yoga therapy help heal the mind and body.

By addressing the physical, mental and emotional aspects of crack addiction, our detox program clears the body of crack dependency and sets the stage for lasting sobriety.

Detox Services We Offer

We provide comprehensive detox services, including:

  • Medically supervised crack cocaine detox to alleviate withdrawal safely
  • 24/7 medical care during the withdrawal process
  • Individual and group counseling to motivate recovery
  • Holistic therapies to restore balance and well-being
  • Healthy nutrition to regain strength
  • Comfortable accommodations to rest and heal

Our personalized detox programs lay a strong foundation so you can complete withdrawal with minimal discomfort and continue seamlessly into our crack cocaine addiction treatment process.

Crack Detox During Pregnancy

Stimulants, such as crack, cocaine, and meth, can have devastating effects on fetal development, and their use should be stopped before you get pregnant or immediately upon finding out that you are pregnant, in the case of an unplanned pregnancy.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guidelines, the detox and withdrawal process for stopping addictive stimulant drug abuse while pregnant is the same as for non-pregnant women. 

Since there is no current pharmacotherapy to use in tapering individuals from stimulant use, the use of any medications to treat medical complications that might arise from the withdrawal should only be done after discussion with the patient of the risks and benefits of each medication.

What Comes After Cocaine Detox?

Detox is an excellent and necessary first step, but ongoing treatment provides the skills and support needed for long-term recovery from crack addiction. Our crack addiction treatment center offers comprehensive therapies to help you maintain abstinence and prevent relapse in a safe, controlled environment.

The forms of therapy we provide include:

With research-backed, personalized care, we empower you to overcome crack addiction, embrace wellness, and continue thriving in your recovery journey.

We offer both group therapy and individual therapy, and you can choose to stay at our drug treatment facilities on a residential basis or opt for our outpatient services. Contact our drug rehab center for more information on how we can help you achieve lasting sobriety.

Inpatient Treatment

Our inpatient program, also known as residential treatment, involves living at our treatment facilities during the rehabilitation process. The residential program removes you from unhealthy environments and provides intensive, round-the-clock inpatient care.

At our inpatient facility, you can focus completely on your recovery without disruptions. The facility provides a safe space with a structured environment that facilitates healing alongside personalized therapy and group support. Immersing yourself in treatment helps you uncover the root causes of your addiction and build lifelong sobriety skills.

Outpatient Treatment

Treatment at an outpatient setting allows you to continue living at home while attending structured therapy sessions at an outpatient facility. We offer flexible outpatient programs to fit your schedule, ranging from intensive outpatient programs and partial hospitalization programs to just a few hours per week.

Our outpatient treatments provide ongoing support through individual and group counseling focused on developing relapse prevention skills. You can integrate your addiction treatment into daily life with the help of our experienced staff.

Whether you need standard outpatient care or more intensive addiction treatment programs, our outpatient treatments deliver evidence-based therapies to help you overcome addiction, rebuild relationships, and embrace lasting wellness.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs

Mental health disorders can be a major risk factor for crack addiction and abuse. Crack addiction can also lead to a worsening mental health, and even cause mental health disorders, which can make it more difficult to stop abusing the drug. Dual diagnosis treatment empowers you to overcome the interrelated challenges of crack addiction and mental health issues. 

We provide specialized therapy for co-occurring mental health conditions and trauma therapy for concurrent substance abuse and mental health disorders. By treating these conditions together, you can better understand the underlying issues related to your crack use and develop effective coping skills to support your sobriety.

Our program uses treatments and therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy to simultaneously treat addiction and mental illness.

Our dual diagnosis recovery programs include:

Start Your Sobriety Journey with Our Addiction Center

Overcoming crack addiction can be challenging, but experts at our crack detox facilities will guide and support you every step of the way. Our specialized crack addiction rehab programs are designed to meet your unique needs and help you beat crack cocaine abuse once and for all. 

With a compassionate, experienced team, we provide a medically supervised detox in a safe environment. Our comprehensive psychotherapies promote healing and long-term recovery.

We want to see you thrive in your new life free from crack. Start your journey with us, free your body and mind from the grips of addiction, and start anew.


Anyone struggling with crack abuse or addiction can enroll in our crack cocaine detox center. Our recovery center welcomes people seeking help to overcome their crack addiction. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide and support you in your addiction treatment process, laying the foundation for long-term sobriety and relapse prevention.

How to Enroll

To enroll in an Ardu crack detox program, contact Ardu Recovery Center online or via phone (801-810-1234). We will work with you to find a recovery path that works for you during the detox process and beyond. Read our admissions process page for more information.

Payment Information

You can pay for treatment with insurance at Ardu if your insurance covers our treatment services (which most do). If you want to verify your insurance coverage and gather more information on financial assistance, visit our insurance verification page.

FAQ on Crack Detox

Is there a 12-step program for crack users?

Yes, Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a 12-step program designed to help those recovering from cocaine and crack addiction. Modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, CA provides a supportive fellowship and peer-to-peer recovery resources that help former crack and cocaine addicts maintain sobriety.

How can an illicit drug addiction affect my quality of life?

Addiction to illegal, addictive drugs like crack can severely impact one’s quality of life. Substance use disorders often negatively affect work performance, relationships, finances, physical health, and emotional wellbeing. Overcoming addiction through treatment leads to a healthier, more stable sober life.

Does Ardu have a cocaine addiction treatment center?

Yes, Ardu has rehab facilities and programs specially designed to treat cocaine addiction. We are an addiction treatment provider with a skilled staff that provides personalized care to overcome dependency and maintain lifelong sobriety, from cocaine detox, through cocaine rehab, and beyond.

Why is crack cocaine abused?

Crack is abused by thousands of people in the US every day for its quick, intense high caused by smoking concentrated amounts of cocaine. However, its fleeting euphoric effects lead people to repeatedly use it, which can result in addiction.

Why is it so hard to overcome crack addiction?

Crack addiction is difficult to beat because it causes rapid changes in the brain related to impulse control and reward. Even after detox, these changes drive intense cravings and the compulsion to use again. Reversing the brain impacts through dedicated treatment in drug rehab facilities leads to lasting recovery.

If you need help overcoming an addiction to crack, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers a national helpline that is a great place to start. Contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline here. Then, feel free to contact us if you want to start your sobriety journey in the hands of skilled, empathetic addiction experts that put you first.

Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy on 09.22.2023.


  1. NIDA. 2020, June 11. How is cocaine addiction treated?. Retrieved from https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/cocaine/what-treatments-are-effective-cocaine-abusers on 2023, September 20
  2. Butler, A. J., Rehm, J., & Fischer, B. (2017, November). Health outcomes associated with crack-cocaine use: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 180, 401–416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.08.036
  3. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series. (1993, January 1). https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/d7/priv/sma15-4131.pdf

Further Reading

Everything you should know about lean

Signs that your body Is detoxing

Types of illegal drugs

10 drugs that can cause kidney damage