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Addiction Treatment: Everything You Need to Know About Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is an essential element of addiction treatment that is part of almost everyone’s recovery. Individual therapy matters because any type of addiction usually comes with underlying reasons. 

People often turn to drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms for difficult life situations. Treating the psychological aspects of addiction are equally as important as treating the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Individual therapy can be the difference between maintaining your recovery and relapsing. 

Individual therapy can help individuals deal with the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that may have led to the beginning of their addiction. We’ll dive into this and much more in today’s blog. 

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about individual therapy. 

About Individual Therapy

As the title suggests, individual therapy takes place one-on-one. While group therapy is used in many treatment plans, individual therapy can be found in nearly every single plan. 

Not only is individual therapy essential for recovery, but it can be vital in preventing a relapse since many relapses are due to the triggers that led to the addiction in the first place. By learning how to handle those triggers in therapy, individuals facing addiction are better equipped to combat their triggers when they arise. 

Examples of situations that could lead to drinking or taking drugs as a coping mechanism involve witnessing a violent crime, surviving a physical attack, being a sexual assault or abuse victim, experiencing war, living life as a first responder, or facing a natural disaster. 

Remember that addiction doesn’t happen overnight. It always starts with one drink or that first time trying a drug. The first time leads to the second and third – and then you realize you have a problem and need help. 

What to Expect During Individual Therapy

You’ll spend one-on-one time with a licensed professional counselor in individual therapy. You’ll be alone with the counselor in a comfortable environment to help you relax. 

You’ll fill out some paperwork before your session to help the counselor understand what you’re going through. That way, neither of you will walk into the session blind. Most therapy sessions last 45 to 60 minutes, but your therapist can tailor your session to you. 

Your therapist will help you focus on your emotions, thoughts, and history since these all impact addiction and can help you get to the root cause.

Unlike group therapy, where everyone has a chance to share, individual treatment is solely focused on you. This allows you to solve problems more quickly than in a group setting. (Although group therapy has its own set of advantages.)

Individual therapy is also completely confidential, so you aren’t risking exposing yourself to others you might not feel comfortable with. Your therapist will provide a safe place for you to heal. 

There are different types of therapy, but common kinds include psychoanalysis and cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT. 

Psychoanalysis dives deeply into your personality, enabling you to resolve inner conflicts. Maybe you get defensive when someone tries to help, or you’re terrified of something happening. Psychoanalysis treats these issues. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy gives you a deeper understanding of yourself and teaches you how to recognize the triggers that led to your addiction. You can also learn how to respond to different social scenarios that could contribute to a relapse. 

How Long Does Individual Therapy Last?

Individual therapy sessions can be critical to recovering from addiction and preventing a relapse. Individual therapy sessions can begin during in-patient treatment and continue for months or years after you transition to outpatient therapy and resume your normal daily activities. 

Ultimately, you and your therapist will decide how long your treatment lasts. Building trust with your therapist will help you be open about how long to continue treatment. Some treatment plans have a determined end date, while others continue on an ongoing basis. 

In-Patient vs. Out-Patient Therapy

Many individual therapy treatment plans begin during in-patient addiction recovery. But not all do, and individual therapy isn’t limited to in-patient settings. 

In-patient settings involve checking into an addiction recovery center and staying there for a prescribed period of time. You live there full-time. This includes sleeping, eating meals, and participating in various activities and therapies designed to help you recover from your addiction.

Outpatient therapy provides the same treatment, but you travel to your therapy session and then return home. You live at home, eat your own meals, and live your everyday life. 

Outpatient therapy is for individuals seeking help who are okay without 24/7 support or monitoring. 

Getting Started with Individual Therapy

Do you think individual therapy could benefit you? Whether you’ve dabbled in drugs or started drinking more than you think you should, individual therapy can help you get on the right track quickly. It’s also great for helping you stay safe and healthy. 

As mentioned in this blog, individual therapy takes place in both in-patient and outpatient settings and is often a critical part of recovery and preventing addiction relapse. 

Ardu Recovery Center

Individual therapy could be critical to your success if you or a loved one is facing addiction. Ardu Recovery Center is here to help. We offer rehab programs for men, women, and young adults. 

We have a dual diagnosis treatment center, detox programs, and mindfulness-based relapse prevention. We offer inpatient, residential, day, and intensive outpatient options. 

Our substance abuse treatment programs span drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs, opioid, opiate, cocaine, marijuana, benzo, meth, and heroin addictions.

Are you ready to take that first step to getting help? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Located in northern Utah, Ardu Recovery Center is a safe, judgment-free place where you can get the help you need to overcome your addiction and reclaim your life. 

With determination and the right help, overcoming addiction is possible. Contact us today for a unique treatment plan designed by one of our addiction specialists. Ardu Recovery Center is here for you.