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The Why of Chronic Relapse

Written by Brandon Okey. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

If you’re someone who is struggling with an addiction, you may have made numerous attempts to get clean. Relapse is a story that many people have, and it’s challenging to bounce back from because you can feel hopeless. When you struggle with a history of chronic relapse, you may think that you’re someone who can never get well. This is not the case at all, and many people like you have learned how to get clean and stay clean for good.

The Why of Chronic Relapse

The Why of Chronic RelapseOne of the significant parts of addiction treatment is working with licensed professionals who understand the disease. In many cases, those who have a problem with chronic relapse have never figured out the source of the problem. Working with a professional can help you identify certain patterns you get into that bring you back to the drink or drug. Some of the most common reasons for multiple relapses include the following:
  • Mental illness
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Poor habits
  • Unsuccessful coping skills
When you’re working with a therapist, you’ll have a safe place to open up about what you’re going through as well as your past. There may be some things in your history that you’ve been unwilling to face because they’re too difficult to discuss. A therapist will be there to guide you through this process and help you while you analyze your situation. Although it will be difficult at first, you’ll begin to find relief by speaking with someone about your issues.

Stubbornness can lead to Chronic Relapse

Compared to other chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, you have the best chance at relapse prevention. Unfortunately, although this is true for everyone with addiction, relapse rates are still high. One of the main issues is that many people refuse to take the suggestions that they’re presented with. You might be someone who has been to treatment before and ended up relapsing anyways. This can make you think that treatment doesn’t work, but you really need to get honest with yourself. You need to take a look at what you’ve done in the past and whether or not you put into practice what you learned. Those who have the willingness to stay willing and open-minded are the ones who succeed in their recovery from addiction.

Getting Help

Ardu Recovery Center is here to let you know that you’re not as hopeless as you may feel. Even if you’re the victim of chronic relapse, we can help you learn how to stay clean. Through mindfulness-based relapse prevention and other methods, you’ll discover a new way of living. Some of the other programs we offer include: If you’re ready to give recovery another chance, contact Ardu Recovery Center today by calling 801-810-1234.  
Brandon Okey

Brandon Okey is the co-founder of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.