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How To Help A Loved One Through The 12-Step Process

Written by Brandon Okey. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

It’s challenging watching someone go through addiction, but once a loved one admits they have a problem and seeks help, they will need all the support and love they can get. Read about helping a loved one going through the 12-step process, so they have the highest chances of succeeding in the recovery of alcohol abuse.

Helping a Loved One

The first step in helping an alcoholic is to learn about their condition. Over time, alcohol rewires a person’s brain, causing it to function differently. Once you understand, you can help them on the road to recovery, which should start with researching a recovery center and going through the 12-step process of getting and staying sober. Here are other ways to help someone battling with alcoholism or addiction.

Effective Ways to Provide Support

There’s not a blueprint that shows how to support someone with a substance abuse problem; some people want a lot of support while others are more reserved and may choose specific times to seek your support and help. Here are the most common ways for family and friends to help in recovery.

Attend Support Group Meetings

Regardless if your loved one is in a residential treatment center, it’s important to attend support group meetings with them when going through the 12-step program. Some of the twelve steps that people may need support includes:
  • Admitting they’re powerless over alcohol
  • Coming to believe a power greater than themselves can restore them to sanity,
  • Deciding to turn their will over to the care of God
  • Listing all the people they harmed and willing to make amends with them.
AA meetings are typically recommended during and after rehab, encouraging alcoholics to get and remain sober, but it’s not an easy road. You being there means you care, and they know that, so make an effort to come.

Understand the 12-Step Process

Recovery from alcoholism takes work. The 12-step process can take months, maybe even a year or more. There may be triggers that tempt loved ones to relapse back into their habit of coping with life. The process, which has been changed over time to reflect a more secular and agnostic philosophy, used to be known as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). It was a community-based program created to help those struggling with alcoholism get clean with the support of peers through daily meetings and discussions. Now, the idea behind the process is that alcoholism is an illness that someone can recover from, and implementing the twelve steps leads to success. Those who attend AA commit to joining either voluntarily, as an adjunct to therapy, or via court-mandated rehab. Helping them accomplish the process with patience and love will go a long way to their success.

Listen to Them

The 12-step process may not be easy for an alcoholic, and they may want support in the form of listening. Since the process is a commitment, frustration may occur. Listen to their fears, failures, and uncertainties. Be willing to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on, if needed. They may not want advice, so be sensitive to their words and only offer it if it’s asked.

Love Them

Going through the 12-step process takes courage, commitment, and a change in behavior and lifestyle. Your loved ones are taking the steps needed to get sober and change their ways. This is a difficult and emotional journey, one that requires love and support. Praise them when they accomplish the steps and encourage them onward. When alcoholics know you love them, regardless of their behavior and habits, it can boost their confidence in themselves to finish their rehab successfully.

Offer a Ride

Part of the 12-step process includes making direct amends to people wronged. This means an alcoholic may need to travel to places, particularly if they can’t drive due to revoking of driving privileges. Be their chauffeur if you’re able and willing to spend the day with them.

Ardu Recovery Center Is Here

If your loved one is ready to begin their recovery, please call us. We enlist the help of our staff and loved ones to help people recover from alcohol abuse. We implement the 12-step process, as well as other therapy modalities, and do so with care and support. Contact us today to learn more.  
Brandon Okey

Brandon Okey is the co-founder of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.