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How To Work Through An Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks can come on suddenly and be very difficult to manage. Anxiety can be manifest both physically and mentally. Some of the practices listed below can help to relieve anxiety and reduce stress. Next time you feel the pressure of an anxiety attack looking, remember of few of these tips. 

1. Deep Breaths 

The best thing you can do in an anxiety attack is to slow down and start breathing deeply. Breathing deeply will help to release tension. Anxiety attacks often lead to shallow breathing and even shortness of breath. Practice steady breathes as your breath in for four counts and out for four counts. When breathing is shallow, anxiety can worsen, and you may feel a tightness in your chest. Breath through your abdomen and not through your chest. 

2. Limit Stimulation 

Excessive stimulation can increase anxiety. Avoid intense sights and sounds. Look for a peaceful spot where you can close your eyes and breathe deeply. 

3. Learn About Your Triggers

Your attack was likely triggered by something. If you know about what sent you into the anxiety attack, removing yourself from that trigger will help you to be relieved. If this trigger is unavoidable, you can learn how to manage it. 

4. Exercise 

If you’re feeling an anxiety attack coming on, some light exercise may be able to combat it. Exercise immediately releases endorphins that help your body to relax and your mood to improve. 

5. Practicing Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness exercises can help you to feel grounded and reduce your stress. Drawing your focus from your anxiety and focusing on something else can be very beneficial. Mindfulness is a state of being aware of something. That something can be your surroundings, yourself, or something else. The mental state of mindfulness can be achieved by focusing and calmly acknowledging thoughts, feelings, surroundings, or sensations. 

6. Relax Muscles

Muscle tension is a frequent companion to anxiety attacks. Practice muscle relaxation techniques to help reduce the attack. If you can relax your body, your mind will soon follow.

7. Visualization 

If your anxiety is due to your surroundings, it can be constructive to visualize you are somewhere else. Picture a peaceful, familiar place that will help you to relax. Even thinking about a calm environment can be powerful. 

8. Mantras

Before an anxiety attack strikes, come up with a mantra. This mantra can be a word or phrase—anything that helps you to focus and feel peace and strength. A mantra may be “You got this!” or “Pain is temporary.” 

9. Seek Help

Seek support from those your trust. If anxiety attacks are frequent in a particular environment, such as at school—tell a teacher or friend who may be able to help. Having someone you trust around you to stay calm and talk you down can make a world of difference. 

10. Acceptance 

Anxiety is often caused by what we cannot control. Accepting that there are certain things outside of your control and that you may have anxiety can help you to control yourself and your reactions—which are the only things you can really ever control. 


If you or a loved one have experienced anxiety in association with substance abuse, find relief and recovery at Ardu Recovery Center.