
What are the signs of heroin addiction?

What are the signs of heroin addiction?

The signs of heroin addiction include physical, psychological, and behavioral indicators. Seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction.

Can alcohol cause mouth cancer?

Can alcohol cause mouth cancer?

It’s time to put down the booze because alcohol has been conclusively classified as a group 1 carcinogen for mouth cancer, among other types of cancer.

Can alcohol cause mouth ulcers?

Can alcohol cause mouth ulcers?

Does your mouth feel sore and irritated after a night of drinking? Find out how alcohol may contribute to mouth ulcer flare-ups.

Is alcohol bad for teeth?

Is alcohol bad for teeth?

Did you know heavy drinking triples your risk of losing teeth? Keep reading to learn about enamel erosion, gum disease, and tooth decay caused by alcohol.

Does alcohol make you age faster?

Does alcohol make you age faster?

Heavy alcohol use can expedite aging by damaging skin, brain, heart, and immune health. Learn how drinking can speed up the aging process.

Can alcohol cause pancreatitis?

Can alcohol cause pancreatitis?

Heavy drinkers may be at risk of alcoholic pancreatitis. Learn more about how alcohol damages the pancreas, and the relationship between alcohol and pancreatitis.

Can alcohol cause thiamine deficiency?

Can alcohol cause thiamine deficiency?

Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with thiamine absorption and lead to a vitamin B1 deficiency. Learn more about the effects of alcohol on thiamine.

How does alcohol damage DNA?

How does alcohol damage DNA?

Alcohol damages your DNA at the cellular level. Learn how booze messes with your genes and increases the risk of disease.

Is alcohol a neurotoxin?

Is alcohol a neurotoxin?

Did you know that alcohol is a neurotoxin? Its adverse effects can damage neurons, impair cognition, and increase dementia risk.

Is drinking bad for your heart?

Is drinking good for the heart?

Drinking does not protect your heart. Instead, alcohol increases blood pressure, thins your blood, and kills your heart muscle.

Here’s What to Do to Help Your Loved One With Their Alcohol Addiction

Here's What to Do to Help Your Loved One With Their Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is unfortunately common today. Not only is this type of addiction harmful to the individual’s health, but it can affect their day-to-day life and create rifts in their relationships. Experiencing alcohol addiction is one thing, but witnessing a loved one struggle to overcome it can be much more difficult to digest.  You can […]