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Stress exists all around you. No one lives a life without these unexpected problems, such as illness, job changes, aging, death, or family problems. One certain thing in your recovery is that you will encounter stress. Therefore, you need to know how to best handle it without reaching for drugs or alcohol.
Being under stress causes your body to release hormones. When you do not deal with the stress as you should, the hormones build up. They even cause lasting damage to your body over time. Your heart, digestive system, and even your addiction all suffer under stress.
When you seek a mens or womens rehab center Utah, Ardu Recovery Center offers you a real chance to rise up against your addiction. At Ardu Recovery Center, you learn mindfulness and other coping skills for substantial recovery. So, contact Ardu Recovery Center now at 801-810-1234cfor more information about available programs in Provo.