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Heroin Detox Center in Utah

Written by Drew Redd. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

I just want to take time to say what Ardu has done for me. I went through both the detox facility and the residential treatment program and I can’t stress enough how great of a program Ardu is providing. The staff there truly cares and goes above and beyond to take care of each and every patient.

Drose Hulett


What Is a Heroin Detox?

A heroin detox refers to the process of discontinuing heroin use in a safe, monitored setting so the body can clear itself of the drug and allow the brain to re-adapt to functioning without it. 

Heroin is an addictive opioid drug derived from morphine, which comes from the poppy plant of the opioid family. As an agonist opioid that binds to opioid receptors in the brain, heroin delivers a surge of euphoria and relaxation, which makes it one of the most addictive drugs.

Heroin detoxification is not easy, but it is necessary. We’re here to ease the symptoms of heroin withdrawal and make your transition as comfortable as possible.

What are the Symptoms of Heroin Addiction?

Due to the powerful effects of heroin use, this drug is considered one of the most addictive substances in existence. Prolonged heroin use causes significant changes in the brain, leading to physical and psychological dependence. These are the signs of heroin addiction that become apparent with continued use:

  • Strong cravings for heroin and inability to control use
  • Building up a tolerance—needing more heroin to get high
  • Failed attempts to quit using heroin
  • Spending significant time trying to get heroin
  • Using despite the adverse effects of heroin abuse on your life
  • Experiencing withdrawal when stopping heroin use
  • Neglecting responsibilities or activities you once valued
  • Continuing use of heroin even when you promise yourself you won’t
  • Hiding your heroin use from others

If you recognize these symptoms of addiction in yourself or a loved one, seek professional heroin addiction treatment, as prolonged heroin abuse can have severe consequences. Our compassionate team offers judgment-free support and personalized drug rehab services to help heroin users achieve lasting sobriety and wellness.

Heroin use is associated with a more rapid transition to injection and a higher rate of eventual heroin injection regardless of demographics, indicating the urgent need for innovative efforts to reduce heroin use and prevent injection initiation. (Bluthenthal, et al.)

Common Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

When you stop taking heroin after a period of prolonged use, your physical and psychological dependence on the drug will produce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during detox. Heroin withdrawal syndrome refers to the collection of psychological and physical effects that occur when discontinuing heroin use.

Here are the most common withdrawal symptoms you are likely to experience when getting off heroin.

Early Withdrawal Phase

In the early phases of heroin withdrawal, which lasts 1-2 days after the last drug dose, you may experience relatively mild symptoms like:

  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances

As heroin leaves the system, these early withdrawal symptoms tend to worsen quickly. Within 12-30 hours after the last heroin use, more severe symptoms start to manifest.

Peak Withdrawal Phase

The peak withdrawal phase usually lasts 4-5 days. This is when the most intense physical and psychological heroin withdrawal symptoms tend to occur, including:

  • Muscle spasms and severe cramping
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Intense drug cravings and the urge to use again

Prolonged heroin use leads to chemical dependence. In the absence of heroin, your brain goes into overdrive, causing uncomfortable and often painful withdrawal symptoms.

Late Withdrawal Phase

The late withdrawal phase begins around days 6-7 and can last for months. While the worst physical symptoms subside during this phase, psychological heroin withdrawal symptoms may persist, including:

  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Inability to experience pleasure

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Some people in recovery from heroin addiction experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). PAWS involves the waxing and waning of withdrawal symptoms that can persist for weeks or months after acute opioid withdrawal.

Common PAWS symptoms include:

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Impaired concentration
  • Ongoing fatigue and low energy
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Cravings or urges to use

These symptoms may come and go randomly or can be triggered by stress, exposure to triggers, or hormonal changes. While PAWS can be frustrating, it’s a normal part of the healing process after opioid addiction. Continued treatment, support groups, and healthy lifestyle changes can help manage PAWS.

Professional help through a comprehensive heroin withdrawal treatment program can help you manage symptoms, reduce risks, and set you on the path to overcoming heroin addiction for good. Contact us to learn more about our drug detox and additional heroin withdrawal treatment options.

How Long Do Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

According to recent research, the severity and duration of opioid withdrawals, “varies as a function of the half‐life of the opioid, the duration of opioid use, and patient‐specific characteristics including health status.”

The duration of the acute withdrawal period typically lasts around 5 to 7 days. During this time, you may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms, including achy muscles, a runny nose, and other physical health issues. The worst symptoms occur after about 2 days since the last dose of heroin and last for about 5 days.

Our medical professionals can ease your symptoms and facilitate a smoother withdrawal process.

Why Get Help from a Heroin Detox Center?

The decision to get help for heroin addiction can feel scary. But checking into a professional detox center, such as Ardu, is truly the best way to safely and comfortably get through withdrawal. Here’s why it’s worth it:

  • A medical detox center provides 24/7 medical care supervision, which is so important for managing painful withdrawal symptoms and preventing dangerous complications. Our doctors can prescribe medications to ease your opioid cravings, nausea, muscle aches, and insomnia. This makes the process much less miserable!
  • Our staff truly understands what you’re going through. They offer compassion without judgment and tips to cope mentally with the process. You can focus fully on healing instead of everyday responsibilities.
  • We provide therapy and counseling right on site. This kickstarts the self-reflection needed for long-term recovery. Support builds motivation to get clean.
  • You’ll be surrounded by others going through the same experience. It helps so much to know you’re not alone. Your peers will inspire and encourage you.
  • The structure and routine help transition you into sober living. We will guide your next steps and help you map out a path to full recovery.

Embracing help is brave and paves the way for you to reclaim your health and future. You’ve got this! The detox process is challenging, but so worth it. You’ll get through this with the right support.

What is Medical Detox?

Medical detox is the process of safely and comfortably withdrawing from drugs or alcohol under medical supervision. It’s the first step for many people entering addiction treatment.

  • It involves staying at a detox facility under 24/7 medical monitoring during the acute withdrawal phase, which is when physical and psychological symptoms peak.
  • The typical detox stay lasts 3-5 days for heroin and other short-acting opioids.
  • Doctors, nurses and clinicians provide medications to ease withdrawal symptoms like nausea, anxiety, insomnia and body aches. This makes detox safer and less distressing.
  • Vital signs and medical issues are closely monitored to prevent complications like dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, or cardiac issues.
  • Clinical and social support is provided to cope mentally and emotionally with the process.
  • After detox, most patients transition into a residential rehab program or outpatient addiction treatment to address the psychological aspects of their disorder.
  • Medical detox separates drugs from the body, while long-term rehab focuses on changing addictive behaviors and thought patterns. Both are crucial for recovery.

At our medical drug detox center, you’ll have 24/7 access to medical professionals who guide you through heroin detox using detox medications, such as non-narcotic pain relievers and sleep aids, and provide intensive care throughout the process. Some benefits of our medical detox program include:

  • Medication-assisted treatment to alleviate symptoms, including the use of Subutex and Suboxone
  • Careful monitoring of vital signs
  • Individualized approach to medication management services
  • Management of medical complications
  • Round the clock medical attention

We offer short term medications to help ease the detox process and make you more comfortable by reducing heroin cravings, anxiety, pain, diarrhea, nausea, and other withdrawal symptoms. Our medical teams provide thoughtful care tailored to your needs.

What is Holistic Detox?

Holistic detox takes a whole-body approach to treating heroin withdrawal and recovery. At Ardu, we favor a holistic approach that combines the best of medical treatment and alternative modalities. 

  • 24/7 medical monitoring and medications to safely manage acute opioid withdrawal symptoms. This includes drugs as needed to ease pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia.
  • Natural remedies to restore balance. These include nutritional therapy, yoga, IV amino acid therapy, sound baths, exercise therapy, and other types of treatment.
  • The focus is on supporting the body’s natural ability to heal and detoxify. This reduces side effects from prescription medications.
  • Counseling and psychotherapy address the mental-emotional aspects of withdrawal, not just physical symptoms.
  • Comforting, spa-like environment relaxes the nervous system. This aids the body’s self-healing capacity.
  • After detox, our holistic rehab program continues a mind-body approach to recovery with yoga, art and music therapy, spiritual practices, and healthy lifestyle changes.
  • The goal is long-term healing of addiction’s root causes—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Holistic detox provides an integrative approach for heroin withdrawal.

Holistic detox provides a supportive environment so you can safely detox from heroin and have a smooth transition into addiction treatment.

Heroin Detox During Pregnancy

When it comes to detoxing from heroin and other opioids during pregnancy, you should follow the guidelines set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Due to the dangers of miscarriage, preterm labor, and fetal distress, pregnant women should not undergo heroin detox. Instead, they should be started on a consistent methadone maintenance program, with doses established individually.

Here are the guidelines for detoxing from opioids set by the SAMSA “Treatment Protocol” (TIP) Series:

  • Pregnant women should not quit opioids cold turkey. Instead, they should be put on a methadone maintenance program.
  • Detoxification during the second trimester is considered the safest option for pregnant women on methadone.
  • The risks and benefits of detoxification should be carefully weighed, as there is a potential for relapse, which poses risks to the pregnant person and the fetus.
  • Clonidine and buprenorphine are sometimes used for withdrawal management, but their effects on the baby are not well understood.
  • Methadone maintenance is recommended as the standard of care for pregnant women with opioid dependence, while buprenorphine is still being researched.
  • Collaborative care involving obstetric, pediatric, and substance abuse healthcare providers is essential for comprehensive care of pregnant women with opioid dependence.
  • Adequate methadone dosing, individualized for each woman, helps prevent withdrawal, reduce intense cravings, and block euphoric effects.
  • Split dosing may be necessary during the third trimester to maintain stable blood methadone levels and manage withdrawal symptoms.
  • Breastfeeding is generally compatible with methadone treatment, as very little methadone passes through breast milk.

If you or a loved one are struggling with heroin abuse during pregnancy, contact our substance abuse treatment program and we’ll help you achieve lasting sobriety.

What Comes After a Heroin Detox?

Heroin detox is a crucial first step, but recovery is an ongoing process that requires commitment and continued treatment. We offer personalized ongoing treatment to support different levels of care after detox.

With our help, you’ll develop the knowledge and healthy habits to prevent relapse and enjoy lifelong sobriety. Our team has an individualized care approach and collaborates with you to find the post-detox programs that fit your needs. Recovery is a lifelong process; we’re here with you every step of the way.

Inpatient Rehab vs Outpatient Rehab

Heroin addiction treatment centers come in two flavors: inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. 

  1. Inpatient rehab, also known as residential treatment or residential rehab, is a full immersion experience in which you leave your old life behind for the duration of the rehab.
  2. Outpatient rehab allows you to remain in your regular life while getting help and support.

At Ardu, we offer both. Let’s go over the pros and cons of each so you can understand which might be most applicable to you.

Benefits of a Residential Treatment Program

Inpatient rehab gets you out of your routine and allows you to focus 100% on your recovery in a supportive environment. The benefits of inpatient care include the following:

  • You’re away from the triggers of daily life that are connected to substance abuse
  • You have 24/7 access to medical care and addiction professionals
  • You are given a structured routine focused on recovery
  • You get intensive daily therapies and counseling
  • You benefit from tighter supervision and accountability

Environment is everything. The immersive, comfortable environment and intensive support of an inpatient program can jumpstart your recovery in a way that outpatient treatment never could. 

Benefits of an Outpatient Treatment Program

Outpatient addiction treatment allows you to continue work, family duties, and other daily living needs while getting help. This is both good and bad. Good because it’s less disruptive to your life. Bad because it’s less effective than a total immersion experience. 

  • You’re in the flow of regular responsibilities and social connections
  • You’re exposed to the same triggers and stimuli that potentially contributed to your heroin use
  • You have lower treatment costs than you would in a residential program
  • You have more independence and flexibility
  • You don’t get the benefit of an external structure and support system (which residential therapy gives)

Outpatient options range from partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs to just a few hours a week of addiction counseling and therapies.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach; the key is to choose the level of care appropriate for your addiction and life circumstances. Our knowledgeable addiction specialists can help you determine if a residential care program or an outpatient program is the best path forward.

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Many heroin addicts suffer from mental and emotional issues that contribute to their desire to seek relief in heroin. These co-occurring disorders require specialized treatment that addresses both substance abuse and mental health issues. Such treatment is termed “dual diagnosis” treatment, meaning that it addresses your physiological addiction while also helping you with your psychological imbalance.

At Ardu, we treat substance use disorder along with any co-occurring mental illness. We use behavioral therapies to address the underlying issues that contribute to addiction and mental health disorders concurrently for a successful recovery process.

Dual diagnosis services we offer for people struggling with opioid addiction include:

Addiction Therapy Services We Offer

We use various therapeutic approaches to help you achieve lasting recovery from heroin addiction:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy identifies negative thought and behavior patterns contributing to substance abuse and develops healthier coping strategies.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy teaches distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal skills to manage addictive behaviors.
  • Trauma therapy processes traumatic experiences that may underlie addictive behaviors in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Family therapy involves family sessions where family members mend relationships damaged by addiction and establish ongoing support.
  • Adventure therapy uses outdoor activities, such as exercise, and challenges to build trust, communication skills and self-confidence.
  • Art addiction treatment therapy uses creative arts like painting, music or writing to express emotions in a productive way.
  • Nutritional counseling is one of our additional therapy treatments that promotes optimal nutrition to repair drug-related damage and support mental health.
  • Yoga therapy reduces stress and cravings through movement, breathing exercises, and meditation.

We develop customized treatment plans using appropriate psychotherapies to address each client’s unique needs. Our compassionate team offers research-based addiction treatment services to help you achieve lasting wellness.

Break Free from Heroin Addiction with Ardu Recovery Center

Going to a heroin detox center is the first step towards kicking the disease of addiction for good. The best facilities not only offer detox, but also heroin addiction treatment programs that aid in your long-term recovery from heroin addiction.

Our Utah heroin addiction treatment program is not only going to help you get clean, but you’ll learn to stay clean, as well. Through both group therapy and individual therapy methods, you’ll begin to see that there’s a new, incredible life that awaits you.


Anyone struggling with heroin abuse or addiction can be eligible to enroll in our heroin detox center. 

Our recovery center welcomes people seeking help to overcome their heroin addiction. Our dedicated team of professionals is here to guide and support you in your addiction treatment process, laying the foundation for long-term sobriety and reducing the risk of relapse.

How to Enroll

To enroll in an Ardu heroin detox program, contact Ardu Recovery Center online or via phone (801-810-1234). Our treatment providers will work with you to find a recovery path that works for you during the detox process and beyond. Read our admissions process page and contact our admissions team for additional information.

Can I Use My Insurance when Paying for Treatment at Ardu?

You can pay for treatment with your health insurance at Ardu if your insurance covers our treatment services (which most do). If you want to verify your insurance coverage and gather more information on financial assistance, visit our insurance verification page.

Drew Redd

Drew Redd is the executive director of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.

Frequently Asked Questions on Heroin Detox

What factors contribute to heroin usage and abuse?

Heroin usage and abuse are influenced by many interrelated factors, rather than stemming from a lack of willpower alone. Key factors that may contribute to heroin addiction include:

  • Genetics and family history of addiction: people with a family history of substance abuse disorders have a higher risk of developing heroin use disorder themselves, partly due to a genetic predisposition.
  • Abuse history: past physical, emotional or sexual abuse trauma is a significant risk factor for heroin use disorder, as victims may use it to self-medicate and cope with distress.
  • Age of first use: early adolescent substance experimentation increases risks of addiction due to the developing teen brain.
  • Access to heroin: easier access to inexpensive, high-purity heroin increases the drug’s addictive potential.
  • Social factors: peer pressure, desire for acceptance, and relationships with other heroin users fuel continued heroin abuse.
  • Co-occurring disorders: mental health issues like depression or anxiety coupled with heroin’s addictive nature make it harder to stop using.
  • Dysfunctional family unit: a chaotic or abusive home environment may normalize drug abuse from a young age.

The addictive pull of heroin, coupled with these predisposing factors, disrupts normal functioning and makes usage spiral out of control. With compassionate support and evidence-based treatment, our heroin rehab center helps you overcome heroin addiction regardless of what contributed to it initially. Recovery is possible for anyone committed to regaining their health and wellbeing.

What are Nar-Anon meetings?

Nar-Anon is a 12-step support group for friends and family members of those suffering from drug addiction. Nar-Anon meetings provide a confidential place for loved ones to find help and healing. 

  • Nar-Anon follows the 12 traditions and 12 steps adapted from Narcotics Anonymous (NA). The steps guide members through accepting powerlessness over the addict’s behavior and working on their own recovery.
  • NA follows the 12-step recovery model for people with drug addictions working on their own recovery, while Nar-Anon is for loved ones affected by someone else’s addiction.
  • In meetings, members share experiences and offer each other emotional support. They also discuss the Nar-Anon principles and recovery tools.
  • Groups are led by member volunteers who have experience with the Nar-Anon program. Meetings are free to attend.
  • Nar-Anon is not a religious program but involves developing a spiritual practice. Members are encouraged to build a relationship with a “Higher Power” of their understanding.
  • The focus is on the family members’ personal growth and overcoming the effects of loving an addict, not on fixing or controlling the addict.
  • Nar-Anon provides a message of hope – addiction is an illness and families can find serenity, whether or not the addict is in recovery.
  • In addition to group meetings, Nar-Anon offers individual sponsors, literature, online resources and local events.

Both Narcotics Anonymous and Nar-Anon facilitate 12-step meetings. There may be additional group sessions and additional counseling to help participants cope with the challenges of addiction. Both follow the 12-step model first developed by Alcoholics Anonymous to help alcoholics in their recovery journey.

What are the heroin overdose death rates in the US?

Heroin overdose deaths in the US have been occurring at an alarming rate. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 9,173 people died of a heroin overdose in 2021.

Addiction to heroin can lead to fatal outcomes, often associated with respiratory depression, which can lead to decreased blood pressure and ultimately result in overdose fatalities.

If you are struggling with heroin abuse, contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline. Then, give us a call, and our healthcare professionals will work with you to come up with a heroin addiction treatment plan that helps you leave this destructive drug behind.

Does Ardu offer treatment for prescription pain relievers?

Yes, we offer treatment for people with opioid use disorder, including those struggling with prescription opioids. Our programs are designed to assist you on your journey into sobriety with a wide range of therapeutic and medical interventions. We offer both opioid detox and opioid rehab services.

What are the abstinence rates after rehab for heroin abuse in the US?

Abstinence rates after rehab for heroin abuse in the US vary from state to state, and there is a possibility of relapse for people recovering from addictions to heroin. Successful rehabilitation helps many individuals lead healthy lives, but the risk of the addiction to relapse pipeline remains a challenge that requires ongoing support.

Is opiate addiction the same as heroin addiction?

Opiate drug addiction is not the same as heroin addiction, although both involve opiates or opioids.

The journey to recovery and the plan of care may differ based on the specific substance used, but our addiction treatment professionals are equipped to address both types of addiction with tailored approaches.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an opiate addiction, contact our opiate detox and opiate rehab center; we’re happy to help.

Are liver diseases common in heroin addicts?

Liver diseases can be relatively common in heroin addicts. Conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis can occur due to factors such as contaminated needles, risky behaviors, and the toxic effects of the drug itself. Regular monitoring, harm reduction, and healthcare interventions are essential for addressing these risks in individuals with addiction to heroin.


  1. Bluthenthal, R., Chu, D., Wenger, L., Bourgois, P., Valente, T., & Kral, A. (2018). Differences in time to injection onset by drug in California: Implications for the emerging heroin epidemic. Drug and alcohol dependence, 185, 253-259.
  2. Kosten, T. R., & Baxter, L. E. (2019). Review article: Effective management of opioid withdrawal symptoms: A gateway to opioid dependence treatment. The American journal on addictions, 28(2), 55–62.
  3. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series. (1993, January 1).
  4. Drug Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2023, July 10). National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Further Reading

What is cross-addiction?

An in-depth look into heroin addiction

Top 10 drugs that can cause kidney damage

Types of illegal drugs

What are the signs that your body is detoxing?

What is lean?