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What To Bring To Rehab

Written by Drew Redd. Mina Draskovic, B.Psy., reviewed this content for accuracy.

The thought of heading off to rehab treatment can be daunting. The staff members of Ardu Recovery Center are here to make it as simple as possible. Here, we offer suggestions about what to bring to rehab to make the move as simple as possible.

What to Bring to Rehab

What To Bring To Rehab CenterAs you prepare to leave for a treatment facility, you may not be sure what lies ahead of you. You may also not know what to bring to rehab. We aim to make the entire process as simple as possible for you. The following list suggests things that many residents commonly end up needing during their stay. You may require additional items that aren’t on this list. If you aren’t sure whether you can bring a certain item to the facility, then double-check with the treatment center. The most common things people bring to rehab include:
  • A form of ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  • Insurance card
  • Prescribed, non-narcotic medications
  • Payment methods (if necessary)
  • Names and contact information for family/close friends
  • All essential toiletries and hygiene items (no mouthwash)
  • Personal pictures/mementos
  • Approximately one week’s worth of clothes

Ardu Recovery Center residents will have access to on-site laundry facilities. Therefore, an excess of clothes isn’t necessary. Residents should pack clothes that are modest and functional.

Ardu Recovery Center is a place for our residents to focus on themselves and improve their lives. Immodest or revealing clothing can only distract residents and cause them to lose focus on their treatment. Having clothes acceptable for both hot and cold weather may also be necessary as outdoor activities are common.

What Not to Bring to Rehab

It’s also important to make sure that you don’t bring certain items to your rehab treatment. These items are prohibited either for your own safety, the safety of others, or to ensure successful treatment. Common prohibited items in rehab include:
  • Alcohol, drugs, or mind-altering substances
  • Guns, knives, or weapons
  • Mouthwash or other products containing alcohol
  • Personal valuables you don’t wish to lose
  • Internet-connected devices and cameras
  • Pornographic materials
  • Inappropriate clothing

Neither of these lists is completely inclusive. Your needs in terms of personal items may differ. Remember, if you have questions about what to bring to rehab and what not bring to rehab, please contact Ardu Recovery Center. Our addiction specialists and rehab admissions team are always more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Bring Your Best

Aside from the physical necessities, the number one thing to bring to rehab is a positive attitude and willingness to commit to this process. You’re the determining factor in whether or not your treatment will be successful. We can give you all the tools, but you must be the one to use them.
Our addiction specialists will do everything in their power to ensure a successful rehabilitation for you; we just ask that you do the same and meet us halfway.

Don’t know what to bring to rehab? We can help. We commit to being there for you every step of the way. Do the same and commit to helping yourself today. Contact Ardu Recovery Center at 801-810-1234 today for more information.

Drew Redd

Drew Redd is the executive director of Ardu Recovery Center and is dedicated to empowering people on their journey to sobriety.